It is always interesting when your life goes through changes. In a new movie “Goosebumps” it was stated by one of the lead characters that every story has a beginning, a middle, and a twist. As this is true with most days as well I find it can be applied in many areas.
As people, we have a morning, a mid day, and a sunset which is often a twist, whether hidden or alive with fiery color. You never know what your (Or someone elses) twist may be. You may have a twist from something minimal that changes your life forever, or you may have people or situations create a need for a change. Perhaps the twist is that you survive, move on an begin to live a more enlightened life.
I have met many people who create their own twist at the end, fiery and alive with color, but often they do not see the twist nor realize the twist they have created or dealt with in their life. Some people overlook the gifts they have been given and hold on to a self created twist. This (In my opinion) is neither right nor wrong. It just is.
I would much rather love, live and enjoy the moment, then ever live a lie, even for a noble cause. As the sun sets, it is always true to its course, and though the night sometimes tries to hide its beauty (and eventually wins), a true person can remember what is real, and enjoy the colors as they fade, with hope for a new day and a new understanding of where life should change.