The sun sets on another day…
..and tomorrow I will be done traveling for a few days and will have more new sunsets! (From readers and shots I have taken, there are only about 10 left on the server i pre-uploaded, eek)
Too often we forget there is a limit to our lives. Once of the reasons I choose 29,000 as a number of sunsets was to set a finite number that people could understand. We often look at tomorrow as a promise, it is not. Take this quote:
“Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
How many people do you know that have their music trapped inside, stuck in a moment that will never allow them to play. I have met quite a few, and hope they eventually find their way to believe in themselves and get out of troublesome situations. Find your music, play your song, and love life every day and as you go, help others find their music, make life exciting, and enjoy every moment.
If you would like to have your sunset put online, send it to
for consideration. It must be an original work and publication rights are transferred by sending it. (Yeah yeah, it will just be online here)