The sun sets on another day…
Each day the sunset comes earlier and earlier, the months stealing away the precious daylight we have come to enjoy in the summer. A cycle continuing to make our lives fulfilled by the passing of the seasons. The seasons repeat, but all too often the days and nights are filled with new adventures, and new life as we enjoy each moment we can, and love all the time we have.
As people, we go through seasons as well, our lives are divided year by year and as they pass on we find ourselves embroiled in a constant battle, the battle to be happy and enjoy our moments, our minutes, our hours, and our days. If we have 29,000 sunsets it stands to reason that each day is a precious moment. I hope everyone has many more than 29,000, but as they do that they set a finite goal so they never forget each moment is a gift, and all that follows is more than amazing, more than special, each moment we must cherish and enjoy as though it were our last.
So as the sun sets on another day, consider the wonderful gifts we have been given, and enjoy the sunsets and their plethora of colors that remind us just how special life is, enjoy the scent of the wind at the moment the sun passes to night, enjoy the breeze as it becomes more crisp, and mostly enjoy the people with you, for they are often the precious guardians of your heart.
Sleep sweet, love life, and be happy, every moment you can…