The sun sets on another day…
There are very few things in life that are predictable and linear. Instead the world is pretty much a messy place. The sun rises and sets in a nearly straight line, but it is about the only thing that we can be assured that does so.
Maybe the best we can do is try to be happy as we walk the wavy lines in life, and go from place to place wondering if the day is good, great, or awesomesauce. As we continue to get curveballs it may just add to the spice of life, and in the end, give us that flavor that makes us who we are.
Whether good or bad makes no difference because only your position of perception defines the good or bad nature of an item. I would like to think, and continually try to prove, that even bad can be good if we just push through and make it a good thing.
So as the sun sets on another day, if the day is less than perfect, or just plain messy, try changing your point of view. If someone seems like they are not doing right, try to see from their side. Usually you can find a point of perception that works and in the process find a way to happiness, at least for a minute, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and live it each and every day…