The sun sets on another day…
I sit here dreaming. A beautiful sunset, a beautiful day. Moments of fun, of life, of reminiscing. Moments of times long past and times yet to come. Of smiles, and laughs and a hundred more feelings and emotions that are part of each and every day. I sit staring at crystal dreams, and thinking of how good today is and can be.
Sounds a a little over the top and it probably is over the top. I find that I am over the top more than a little as well, considering a lot of things in life at the same time, and working on far too many at once. In the end, what matters is how we live our dreams not as tomorrows but as “todays”, and how we make each day the best it can be.
As I stare at my dreams, and think of all the good from today, I am ready for the night and for a new day tomorrow. Each day is a challenge, each day a gift, and perhaps each day is a crystal dream, but somewhere in the facets of the crystal, there is peace, and a myriad of fantastic moments.
So as the sun sets on another day, consider how great each moment is, and if you are thinking a dream, considering a dream living a dream, reach out and make it a reality. Make your crystal dream a reality, and enjoy every moment no matter what,
Sleep sweet, live life, and love to the moon and back, and the stars beyond…