The sun sets on another day…
The storm blew through and continued to spray while I met with a group of amazing authors in Ludington Michigan. The sunset was there, but unseen. As the twilight fell I was at peace knowing I worked hard and had fun, enjoying a positive pastime.
I have been writing about a list seen on a friends board of things to tell your daughter. The list was long but it has been interesting considering the items one at a time, and revising or working through each. tonight’s message is: “Fall hard, and forever in love with nothing but yourself.”
As with yesterdays post I feel strongly this item is fairly cynical. We need more than just ourselves in our life, and just falling hard and forever in love without our self would be a lonely life indeed. Love, an attraction or intense attraction for someone or something, is not meant to be hidden, but shared. Love is and will be what makes us a little different and love is at the core of who we are, and who we should be. As such, and with that in mind, I suggest a change, “Never be afraid to fall in love, but be in love with you more than anything else ever”
It is my opinion that was the intent. This does not exclude love, but it makes the center a bit more open and open for happiness.
So as the sun sets on another day, falling in love is amazing, falling out of love, painful, but being in love is the most rewarding feeling in the world. Don’t avoid it and don’t avoid being in love with the most important person in the world to you, you. Enjoy your days and nights, and feel special because you are, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love yourself, and spread it around when you can…