The sun sets on another day…
One of the reasons I like diamonds so much is the reelections in the facets, so many colors and so few predictable ones. Tonight, as with light in a diamond, the sunset was beautiful and striking, and after sunset, another light show at the fountains in Grand Haven. Two light shows and both are free.
It is sometimes hard to get across to people how unique they are. People loom for commonalities and like to compare themselves to everyone else and places like Facebook perpetuate the idea that everyone is in some type of competition. We are not. What is great for me may not be great for anyone else on the planet, and that is ok. What is great for someone else, well, it too may be dissimilar. It is amazing to think how unique every person is, and how unique the world is upon that. So instead of playing on the phone for a minute, pay attention to those people around you, and enjoy their diversity. Laugh with a few, cry with a few, but be a part of the world that is as full of diversity as the facets of a few billion diamonds. Pay attention, learn, and enjoy the ride.
So, as the sun sets on another day, step back, smile, and laugh a little. Enjoy the moments, and laugh heartily at everything you see as you look at its fun side. Have an amazing eve, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, smile a little, and laugh the night away…