The sun sets on another day…
The rain came and left. The sunset wit it, and the cracks in the clouds opened and light shone through if only for a moment, and there was a pause.
Sometimes there are moments in life where you just have to pause. There are times when you consider situations, words, and more, and just have to pause. Tonight I wrote a large post. A big pot, but I will leave it to tomorrow simply because I need the pause. When you need a pause, it is sometimes best to take it.
I remember my Grandmother telling me to count to 10. I wasn’t always sure when, or why, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.I know many of you have heard similar. Take a moment, consider the why and the wherefore, count to 10, have your pause and move ever forward, just the way life should be.
So as the sun sets on another day, consider well the world and all around it. Consider why things happen, and why you are a part of them, and sometimes when you know you need it, pause, and consider all you are and all you will be, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, be vigilant, and make the world your own…