The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was hidden as the clouds rolled in, but people were not as I attended my first book sale since the pandemic began. There were not as many people, but the resilience of people was in play as some sense of a normal emerged.
I met a lot of nice people today. I could not see most of their faces but the event was outside and occasionally you could see a smile, or a laugh as people from a distance interacted with their family. In the end life is about a lot of things, but people and interactions with people are at the top of the list. Sure, I sold a few books but I interacted with people which was as important.
We plant seeds all the time. We can plant seeds of friendship, or seeds that are scattered on concrete and will never grow. I hope as I talked to many people today I laid the seeds of the future, and will perhaps have future readers, but more importantly, people who I know.
So as the sun set son another day, be careful. It is a weird world out there right now but don’t be afraid to talk to people, laugh with people and build new relationships. Life is about living, so make sure you live yours well, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and enjoy the ride…