The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was under cover again today! It was a cool day though. Filled with fun and sun!
I was watching people online and thinking about all the things people are saying, and all the things people were blaming. I smiled.
Do you know who is responsible for how people feel, or better yet, do you know who is responsible for how you feel? You. It is an easy answer. We should all understand that sometimes people are horrible and awful, and those selfsame people try to make us miserable. The reality is that we have a choice to be miserable or not each day.
During the winter in Michigan there are a lot of cloudy days. Not a few, a lot. We have a choice to complain about them, or to enjoy the sunny days when they come and move on. Each day there is something new for us to consider. Something to slow us down or hurt us. Something to make us sad. We can let it, or we can say we will overcome it.
So as the sun sets on another day, don’t let you make you less than you need to be. Instead, find a way to have a good day each day, in spite of you. I think you are awesome, so you be you, I’ll be me, and do be do be do, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and live it…