The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was somewhere between absolutely amazing and phantastique. Either set would make for an amazing mental repast, but it was even more as a series of events ended today.
I have written about this many many times (No not like in Police Academy) and I will reiterate today. In Xmen 103, an old comic, a character is knocked through a wall and told “Get up and I will knock you down again” the reply is important, “Knock me down 100 times and I will get up, strong and as fresh as ever”.
I have used this my whole life as a mantra per se to not ever let anyone or anything knock me down. Sure, later others came up with similar, but it was a series of old comics that installed this push to stand back up and to do more.
Does it matter? Yes! Every day is an opportunity to stand up, to do more, and to stop letting the world get you down. Make your day complete. Make the world aware that if they knock you down, nothing will stop you, you will get back up, and eventually you will win.
So as the sun sets on another day, I get it, there are a lot of things going on. The world may try to knock you down. It may even look bad, but believe in yourself. Step up, and be an irresistible force. Make today and every day a day you conquered, and have a little fun, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, live powerfully, and love with a force beyond compare…