The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was a series of colors lost in a cascade of clouds. The day is done but the night will be a happy time as we enjoy the twilight and consider the day.
I watched the sun sparkle on the horizon today as I considered a great deal about life. We are as we have been, and in being, we recreate who we are daily. I am not who I was yesterday, and tomorrow I will be a new me, shaped by all around me and all the sparkles of life I experience as I go.
It is here that people need to listen to themselves. We have the ability to shape ourselves as we shape others each day by our interactions with them. Consider well the people around you as they may be shaping your tomorrow self, and consider those who you interact with and how you interact with them, as you may be shaping who they are tomorrow.
So as the sun sets on another day, we can all choose daily to be good, or not so good. To look at the positives or the negatives in life. To carry forward either is part of who we become. I am not saying anything is set in stone, just think about it for a moment. Make good choices for you and be a little more for the world, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love furiously, and live with passion…