The sun sets on antoher day…
The sky was filled with chilled color as fall embraced us with its icy grip. I smiled a little at it all, and laughed at the wonderment.
When you think about 29,000 sunsets what do you think about? I hope you take a moment and think about time. Everything is actually a question of time, right?
I’ve stated many times the purpose of 29,000 sunsets was to get people to think about living for each day. Can’t we take a step back for just a moment and realize that waiting for tomorrow or next week or next month becomes a vaporous mound of silliness. Yes I said silliness.
We seriously need to take the time to understand that if today were all we had we would live our life to the fullest and we often think that we are guaranteed days, weeks, or more.
It is with a pure heart that I ask all of you to have a great day. Not just a good day or a day but have the best day that you can. Call someone special, do something special, be someone special, it’s all the same. We have an opportunity to be positive and live a positive life, don’t we owe it to ourselves to do so?
So as the sun sets on another day, make the best of every day and please make the best of today. I think you’re worth it, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and get to living…