The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was lost in the snow, but the contrast of colors was amazing and of course the snow lit up everything and beyond.
If you think about it our life could be seen as a series of tiles. Individual events that fit over top of each other, next to each other, or randomly in our life similar to the pieces of a puzzle that finally create a spectacular picture. Like some tiles they would fit over top of each other and still create an amazing picture.
We expect some tiles to show us positives, and some are not so positive, but we get the opportunity to place them and build the picture we want to build. If you are not following me, consider that our tiles could be. What are those events in our life that are important enough to refer back to in our global picture? What do you put on top? Do you put the positives on top and cover up the negatives or do you put the negatives on top and use those as your day-to-day reference?
I suggest, no I respectfully request, that you put the positives on top. Not because I think you need to be some type of happy go lucky person but because I think that in the end the positives can take you further than the negatives. You have that ability to be more. It’s just whether you want to take it.
So as the sun sets on another day consider well what remains fresh in your mind and what you said on top of it. Find a way to move past the negatives in life and build a picture that you will be proud of out of the tiles of your experience. I think yours is beautiful, keep on building, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and make a good puzzle…