The sun sets on another day…
The clouds closed in as the storm approached, but for a moment the sky lit up with fiery indignation and the sunset shone through. It was only a moment and I smiled at the audacity of the sky and the beauty it impaled upon the storm.
I was chatting to someone today and came up with the idea for a cool game. The next time you’re feeling a little bit down, sit down with some index cards and start writing down your good memories. Better yet if you’re with someone or several people sit down and all of you write down between five and six good memories. Don’t discuss it at all but instead focus on writing something that you feel is an amazing memory.
Once you have your cards done don’t show anyone and whether you’re playing with one person or with several mix them up and turn one over each. It’s time then to discuss who remembered the best slice of happiness or exciting time. Give yourself about 60 seconds to discuss, maybe a little more, then decide who takes one point for the best memory. If both of you draw the same memory or pull out the same memory give yourself two points each. If anyone pulls out of memory that has already been in any other round they get two points as well. After you’re through all of your cards decide who has the most points and giggle and laugh together. The score didn’t mean much except that it was something fun to do.
Maybe this type of game could get us to focus on the positives we have had in our lives. We can save the cards and look back at them later and we can see how others see good times if we play with more than one person. If it’s just us then maybe we can just enjoy the moment and by filling out our cards realize there are always things to be thankful for.
It is Christmas time. No matter what your religion or positive or negative views of the season it is a time where many people reflect. It is a time when people often are overwhelmed. During this time take a deep breath. Focus on the positives in your life and realize that there are some good things to be thankful for. Oh, and if you see someone having a rough time, say something nice.
So as the sun sets on another day, I am thankful for all of you. I’m not out to get any type of influencer status or change the way you see the world so that you can buy something. (except maybe my books) Today I am thankful for you. Thankful for all the readers that write me notes or that just visit and read. Frankly I’m astonished that so many read my blog. After all it’s just a blog and not a massive stream, podcast, or video barrage. I hope you enjoy sharing a few moments with me and for the thousands out there that peruse from time to time. Thanks for being you and keep making your days wonderful, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and thanks for being here…