The sun sets on another day…
Sunset slid beneath the clouds, but the sky fought back and a splash of color ensued. It was beautiful, but hidden behind the dying of the light.
As I stared tonight at the near hidden sky, I was full of emotions. Earlier in the day there were a series of events that were very difficult. People were not being treated like people and instead had to face situations that were tiring and trying.
Often in life we are faced with the same. We look trying to find the rainbow above and instead find a hidden sky with doubt and the gray presence of impending unknowns. It is not necessarily fair or right, but it happens a lot.
Guess what, it’s not as bad as you think. Right now, it is important and difficult for the people that were involved earlier today but a year from now it will be just another memory. Right now, they are being tested and challenged and find it hard to overcome what is before them. A few months from now they will feel positive and engaged as something new comes along. Right now, people are in a grieving process, but based on who they are they will overcome the grief or at least learn to live with it.
The point is that right now always seems overwhelming but if you take 5 minutes and think about all of the “right nows” you have faced that were difficult, i think you’re going to find that you overcame every one of them. Actually, I know you’re going to find you overcame every one of them because here we are. I could give you a whole bunch of motivational statements like “tough times never last and tough people do” and a dozen other similar tropes that would make you feel warm and fuzzy like a happy bee in a flower, but you don’t need me to do that. Instead, all you need to do is remember that you are important, you are special, and you can do anything if you try. Take a moment and I think you’ll see I’m right.
So as the sun sets on another day, it’s going to be a good night. There are things we face today that are a little difficult but tomorrow is another day and as we pass through the night, we have an opportunity to create our fresh mind and be renewed. Be open to that and find a way to be better every day, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and be excited about change…