The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was wonderful, and the sky’s beauty knew no limit. I laughed as the sky turned dark and took a walk through the woods as the light waned.
My funny story of the day.
Tonight I was taking the dog for a walk and I was using a flashlight because it was really dark outside. It was very warm and humid and as the flashlight shone down the driveway numerous moths and other bugs started accumulating in the light path. I have a very powerful flashlight and it focuses light or widens as necessary. As I was walking I was shining the light to the sky.
Several minutes passed and all of a sudden the lights were jumping around and shadows were being flung all through the trees. At first I wasn’t sure what was going on and pepper looked around carrying her giant horse wall and was kind of dumbfounded. Then I saw it. In the beam of the light a bat was flying back and forth through the path picking up all of the bugs he could in the now smorgasbord of insect delights.
I laughed for a minute. Then i laughed some more as i held the flashlight up and finally put it between my knees trying to take some sort of picture for the bat having the time of its life. It was astounding and I’m sure the bat was pretty happy about it.
You know if a flashlight can make a bat happy maybe we should try a little harder. If you’re having a bad day maybe you should shine your flashlight in the air and try to get a laugh from your local winged mammal.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope you had as much fun today as the bat did. I think those few minutes that I spent outside we’re by far an amazing highlight and I had a great day. Keep being you and keep being spectacular every day, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and be ever ready…