The sun sets on another day…
Sunset glistened in the western sky and I watched inside my window, reveling at the shards of light bouncing in the ferns. As Pepper and I walked, we startled three deer and they ran away hard. She and I watched them shift to the dark woods, and then we continued our walk.
The one thing I’m sure about every day is that it’s hard to be sure about anything every day. We all have things that we think we know and some of them may be true. Some may not. Things change so fast in the world that what once was true yesterday may not be true tomorrow or even today. I know, this is hard to believe but it is true, for today.
I sat in a meeting today listening to a bunch of people talk about something that I am very good at. I did not interject much but instead listened. As I listened, I found there were a lot of pieces of everything going on that people didn’t understand. Still, they were sure of their points of view, so I listened. As the meeting progressed, I slowly started articulating certain ideas and concepts and I watched as some portions of the meeting changed. It’s not that people’s minds changed, instead they accepted a partial of new concept and created a new idea that was containing their previous view but also accepting a new view. To me it means they learned, and, in the process, I learned because as I listened I began to understand their points of view and knew that they were accurate but not necessarily applicable.
There are T-shirts everywhere talking about how you don’t understand what’s going on until you wear another person’s shoes. There are many approaches to that and of course one of the biggest is that all of us see the world in a slightly different way. With that in mind i feel that the path to knowledge is through a door of ignorance. Ignorance does not mean that someone is wrong, and it is not a slam as many people to attempt to use it. Simply defined ignorance means that we do not know and perhaps the path to knowledge is first understanding that we do not know and will continue to strive to learn each and every day.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope you learned something today. It didn’t have to be anything big. Maybe it would be best just to learn that the world is much bigger than us. Maybe it would be an exciting thing to learn that everyone around us is important and as we progress finding our best life is understanding beyond ourselves. Sometimes that will make sense and sometimes it won’t, but it will always be true. Be the best you that you can be every day, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and keep living…