The sun sets on another day
How can words describe a sunset? How can words describe any of us? I’m sure that we can come up with a lot of descriptors about color and light and life but in the end what is a sunset but something to be enjoyed, lived, and admired?
How can words describe us or you or even me? There are a lot of things that we put out there all the time to define us and the people around us, but how do we really define ourselves? How can we paint a clear picture of something far more complex than a sunset, a person.
I considered this statement for a while today. When people ask how I am I always come up with something unique. There are some things I use more than others but I try not to be that person who just says good or fine and goes on. Instead I try to be that person that is truly something. I’m not sure what that something is and maybe that’s something is a little strange but it’s not just every other person.
I want to say wholeheartedly today that we are all unique and far more complex and interesting than any sunset. Even the most mundane among us is a spectacular series of events and situations that is beyond belief. I truly enjoy getting to know people who understand how important and special they are. Even more so I enjoy those people who don’t know how important or special they are and learning what makes them so spectacular. So think about it for a moment, who are you?
So as the sun sets on another day, define “you” every day. Don’t be someone else’s you, be your you. Make each day amazing every day, and find the path to be your you as you grow. It is a special journey to become you, and I think you will enjoy it if you focus on the possibilities every day, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and find a way every day…