The sun sets on another day…
The sun was lost in clouds and chaos, but I knew somewhere high above it was a good sunset, and I smiled thinking about the colors I could not see, and felt them anyway.
You hear all sorts of things. “Life is a journey, not a destination”, “Life is a series of choices”, “Life is a bunch of ups and downs”, “Life is a series of dogs”, and so many more come to mind. I give you a favorite one, life is a series of nows
Emily Dickinson wrote that forever was a series of nows, but I would like to present that life is a series of nows that combines to make a melded masterpiece of moments. There is no start or end, no destination or beginning, just the now. Perhaps all the other constructs are illusion as they are not truly there. Just the now. Perhaps in the end, only the now can be defined. I have said this many times. Define your present, because the past and future are not truly there.
I read a book recently that gave this suggestion as to life, “Think of life as a dance. When you dance with a partner, you may end up somewhere different than where you started, but moving from Point A to Point B isn’t the goal. Dancing is the goal.” It is from there that I suggest you life life to its fullest and make yourself the best you can be each day, and keep “dancing” along the way.
After all, if life is a series of moments, I think I am going to make good ones. How about you?
So as the sun sets on another day, let’s define our days as magical moments. Let’s make each day the best it can be, and in the process, define each day well, and maybe a little more. After all, if life is a series of moments or dogs, I want the best I can have, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and enjoy each day…