The sun sets on another day
I watched sunset from a distance and the colors were swallowed by rainy Skies dumping their payload across the horizon. Still it was a beautiful day.
I thought a lot today about how different the world is from just a few years ago. I talked to a series of vendors who all reminisced about the happiness they felt such a short time ago compared to the angst that reverberates now. It is a different world and in this world today I can only say that people are struggling to return to normalcy.
I’m not going to spend a lot of time or be labor points here but instead I’m just going to say that people want to be happy again and not constrained by the will of others. Whether it is right or wrong is up to you, I just know that the world can be better again if we wanted to be. The choice is yours. You will decide the way life will be.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope you find what’s right for you and in doing so embrace the passion that surrounds us all. We can all enjoy every moment if we want to and in the process find fantastic ways to be happy in our lives again, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and happy sweetest day