The sun sets on another day…
Sunset sparkled from on high as the world opened wide and the west became a magnificent light show. In other words, it was a good sunset.
Write, write, write, and still the thoughts roll out. Wave after wave, fire after fire, tirade after tirade. It can never end for as long as I still feel the thoughts flow.
At least that is a good thought. I sometimes wonder if there is a point where it becomes obsessive to put thoughts out, to write books, poems, stories and more. I truly would like the opportunity to clear some thoughts out, but I have in the back of my mind that the Hydra was created by a writer who was trying to catch up and lay out all his thoughts, then he found that as he closed one thread, 2 more opened.
I sit here with over 40 stories in various forms up to and including over 40,000 words and many over 60,000 words. That doesn’t count the incredible number of poems that I continue to add. Each day I clear my mind and also write here on 29,000 sunsets. The end result is even more thoughts and ideas. Some of them are incredibly worthwhile. Some of them are passionate projects. Some just need to be written. But in the end time is finite and perhaps so am I.
For now though I will continue to obsessively write and try to entertain or inspire the people around me and beyond.
So as the sun sets on another day it’s kind of a good thing that there are lots of ideas floating through the minds of writers. After all we would never have all these reality shows if it wasn’t for the way that writers approached the world. Make the world a better place every day if you can and write often, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and I’ll be writing…