The sun sets on another day…
I am not entirely sure where sunset went. The sky was colorful for a moment, but before I could grab my camera and rush to the beach it closed in and darkness was upon us. A cloud bank rolled in, but I knew the sunset was still there, high above.
I get a kick out of control. There are so many people in the world that really want to control every moment of their lives. In some ways that is both admirable and possible. In other ways it is an illusion that slides away far too easily.
While it is true that we can control ourselves to a certain extent every day, there are so many external influences that for some reason that control doesn’t seem very real. At the moment that we think everything is fine something introduces another permutation of possibilities and suddenly things feel different. It is almost maddening.
Then again maybe it’s better this way. If things could be exactly the same all the time there would be no challenge and knowability to both overcome and redefine ourselves. I find this to be an amazing revelation in some ways as so many people have an illusion of control. In reality as we define the chaos in front of us it is still chaos and even the slightest modification of a very small portion of our day will create a very different day.
I find myself thinking about people who do repetitive jobs and seemed to do the same thing all the time. Upon closer inspection the day is not repetitive at all. Someone maybe working at a restaurant and as they do feel like everything is the same every day. As they examine closer they will find that the customers are different, the orders are different, and really everything is different, it is just a repetitive foundation but the daily tasks are actually a series of chaotic moments.
Even something as well defined as editing a book or reviewing a document is surrounded by defined chaos. Yes we are doing the same thing, but that thing has an infinite number of different possibilities as it stretches out in front of us.
Who cares, right? Perhaps this is just another rant, right?
My point out of all of this is actually pretty simple, let’s try and define the best possible days each day knowing that we have some control but that every day is unique. In the end that uniqueness gives us the ability to adapt and see the world in a more interesting manner. After all, every day should be part of an amazing ride.
So as the sun sets on another day, take every moment and make it amazing. Well, if you can. Define your chaos into the chaos that brings you a little happiness, and remember to enjoy all the moments that you can, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and enjoy the butterflies…