The sun sets on another day…
I found myself staring at the sky. It had started it’s such a beautiful day and ends now as rain slowly rolls into the area. The ridiculously large black clouds block out the light but there is a battle, and the light finds a way through. It’s funny how often the light does find a way through.
I was sitting here thinking about how many minutes of sleep the average person needs, and remembering the punch line of the joke just five more minutes. Always laughed at that joke simply because it pointed out a logical bit of fun that really meant something, it is in those last five minutes that we often find solace and happiness.
Well of course we should have loved the entire time sleeping, but we don’t remember that. We were out cold. It’s amazing though that during the last few minutes of the morning we often find amazing dreams and spectacular moments. I laugh a little at everything that happened in the last few minutes even when the amount of sleep I get is very short. It is in those last five minutes that a castle was built on a cloud. Within those last five minutes that a battle rages between light and darkness knowing the light will win. It is in those last five minutes that my pillow is full of drool. Icky.
I think that we should pay very close attention to all the time we get but when we get those last few minutes, maybe we should try to enjoy them with a zest that really means something. Maybe we should be appreciative of the spectacular gift of a few minutes more. There are times that I have missed those few minutes and those are the ones that I feel so good about.
So as the sun sets on another day, in the last few minutes perhaps we can find a dream come true. One last moment of sleep, one last memory, one last hug, one last kiss, just a moment to say goodbye. Maybe, just maybe, it is those last minutes, just a few minutes more, that will allow us to appreciate an even bigger world. Keep finding those special minutes and make the world yours. It is easy to focus on the bad, but find those few positive minutes and hold on to them, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and there were good times too…