The sun sets on another day…
The sky was filled with rage, and the rain fell hard, then opened to cool crisp air, then rained some more. It was another winter day in spring.
I don’t think I can say this enough. There’s a world circling around you right now. Whether you like it or not you’re at the center of it all. At the end of the day when you lay down to sleep you are the one that will fall asleep, and when you wake tomorrow morning you will be the one waking up. It kind of means that you are the center of your world.
With that in mind, make time for you. There are so many possibilities every day to take care of everything but you. In this particular case, make time for you. There are gonna be people that rip you away from everything that you hold dear, you still need to take time for you. The world is gonna slap you with all sorts of weird stuff that you didn’t expect. Guess what, you need to take time for you.
I know this sounds selfish to some people, but it really isn’t. I didn’t say you had to make the world revolve around you, it already does because that’s the only perspective you can have is what you interact with around you. I didn’t say only take time for you but instead I want you to find the time to make sure you are OK. Actually it would be really nice if you took the time to be more than OK. In the end, it will make the world a better place.
I could sit here and say what you should and shouldn’t do but that’s not really my place. You know what works for you and what doesn’t and all I can hope is that as you take time for you that you know exactly what you need to do. After all, only you know you. Now I hope that you take some time and feel a little better.
So as the sun sets on another day, take the time to realize that you’re important. Take the time to be excited about life. Mostly, remember that in order to help anyone else you have to be able to help yourself. Be that person, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and guess what I herd…