The sun sets on another day…
Sunset after an eclipse was, well, sunset. There were no zombies or strange events though, so that was nice. Instead, somehow all the birds shut off in a short time and then returned later. During that time Pepper decided that she was going to do a little running and had a lot of fun running in circles around the garden and through the words. Yes, this is what a crazy dog looks like.
I was listening to a soundtrack yesterday as I drove around in the car trying to get back home in a timely manner. As I did the song came on that talked about lifting us all higher and higher. I thought about this for a few minutes because believe it or not, it’s what i try to do a lot of the time. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was somebody there ready to lift you higher when you needed it.
Oftentimes that’s what’s missing in life. Those people who are so engaged that they will make sure that you don’t fall through and, in the process, build far more. It is those people who are the safety net for many and a positive foundation for many more.
Why don’t we spend more time lifting up others? Why don’t we spend more time making sure that everyone is where they need to be.
I had a friend once that loved to talk. We talked on the phone a lot and as we did, we spent hours talking about almost nothing. There are many people who would say that that time may have been wasted. There were other things that could have been done. We could have met in person, and it definitely would have been easier if we had had cell phones. (At this time landlines were all that we’re available easily.) Unfortunately, we drifted away when I moved and did not get to talk for some time.
Years later I ran into this person and they noted that time helped them deal with some serious problems even though some would have thought it was a waste of time it had made a difference. Perhaps it wasn’t perfect but somewhere in it all we lifted each other higher.
Consider well for a moment that sometimes you just have to lift people hire sometimes you should step back and realize that it is not a bad thing to spend a little time with other people.
So as the sun sets on another day I hope you enjoy your day. I hope you find people that will lift you up and pay attention to you the way that you need. I hope when you see someone in need that you will help how you can. Not with money, but maybe just with a little bit of time. Be the person that changes the world one person at a time, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and lift higher…