The sun sets on another day…
I hoped for a fantastic sunset and I am sure there was one high above. The skies were filled with clouds as the storm slowly rolled in. I smiled had a glint of light peeking through and thought about how nature finds a way.
I think kids are fantastic. They see the world through pure eyes and evaluate only based on what they see. Once they are in the middle of something then they start evaluating by how it makes them feel and the actions of whatever they’re interacting with. Dogs are the same way. But kids take it a bit further. They rely on subtle cues given by parents and trusted advisors.
When my granddaughter arrived this week, she was terrified by me. No, I’m not looking for pity, it didn’t bother me at all. Many people are afraid of me when they first meet me. What was interesting is over the course of two days she has changed. It’s not that she’s just getting used to me, but instead I think that she pays very close attention to the world around her and initially I am bigger than most and probably scarier than most. I think she now knows that I have her best interest at heart.
It’s funny how we perceive the world. Some people trust the untrustable and others distrust those who would save them. The world is full of strange contradictions like that where we are missing the point and in between finding that not everything we see is as we see it. I hope you find the way to see beyond the surface. I hope you trust the people that you should, but mostly I hope that you find happiness every day in your world and all that is around you.
So as the sun sets on another day, yes, I am a monster, but my granddaughter likes me. Yes, the world is a scary place, but my world is just fine. Yes, there are people that are not very nice, but I have dogs and children and see pretty good myself. In the end, my world will be a great place, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and keep looking…