The sun sets on another day…
It rained for a short time, then the sun came back with a vengeance and the heat was on. I felt like I wanted to turn on a song about the heat being on the street, but instead I just tried to enjoy it.
It took a minute and thought that there was a little tree trying to come up in my yard. I went to it and it was actually just a stick in the mud. It made me laugh for a minute. It actually made me laugh for quite a while. The idea of a stick in the mud means that you’re just not having any fun. In this particular case the stick in the mud was thrown into the woods to join a bunch of other sticks, well, in the mud. As I heard it flop through the ferns I laughed again. The stick in the mud was having more fun than I was.
I got to thinking afterwards, if a stick is in the mud, who knows, it might have some fun. As I thought I realized that often there are a lot of trees that are actually just sticks in the mud. Then I looked at the giant trees all around me, and yes they too were sticks in the mud. Maybe we’re using that phrase wrong. Maybe we never realized that is stick in the mud might be the most fun thing to be.
I think sometimes we get so caught up on what we think is true that we don’t stop to think about what is really true. We are so sure of what has been said all the time, that we don’t realize that maybe it was never true to begin with. After all, truth needs a little proof and can’t just be a series of words. That truth needs to be a little bit more then just somebody saying you better believe me because I’m right. Keep your mind open every day, keep your heart open every day, find a way to learn and accept even the things you thought were unacceptable. It might just open your mind.
So as the sun sets on another day, maybe being a stick in the mud isn’t such a bad thing. Maybe life is a tree would be far more fulfilling than many can imagine. Maybe as we look forward and see ourselves we can open our minds and stop being a stick in the mud so that we could be a stick in the mud, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and if you think about it, it does make sense…