The sun sets on another day…
Clouds began to come and the shadows of today were overtaken by the shadows of tomorrow. It was a beautiful eve, and the sky was speckled with color.
I get to talk to a lot of people. I have talked to a lot of people. In the future I will talk to a lot of people. It is part of what defines me, but over the years I find I listen more and more. I also find there are a number of people that listen to me, and of course some that don’t. It’s interesting how that works.
Most people don’t take the time to get to know each other. Instead, they take the time to get to know their visions of each other and their interpretations of each other. It’s kind of like Jurassic Park. We are often only capable of understanding so much, and then we fill in the rest with pieces of what we know, ourselves. It is interesting to watch that interaction with others. Sometimes the communication is very difficult.
I was torn on which way to go here as I have stories that are both negative and positive about how this fill in the blank DNA works. I will stick to a positive because it’s what I try to do. Sometimes people look for the best in others because that’s who they are. Sometimes it works. I knew someone in high school it wasn’t a very good person when I first met them. A teacher took an interest and they were constantly lifting them up and telling them how good they were doing, even when they weren’t. The teacher didn’t see the person for who they really were, but that’s when something interesting happened. That person started to change and become a little more. They stopped being a bully and stopped being a jerk and all of a sudden things got better. Eventually, they became quite a good person.
Now I’m not saying this always happens, because it doesn’t. It does show that sometimes someone sees something that isn’t there, and maybe it finds a way to be there. All in all I don’t think that’s really a bad thing.
So as the sun sets on another day, take the time to listen to people. See who they really are. Encourage them if you can. And believe that people can find a way until it just doesn’t look like it’ll happen. Even then, find a way to rise above and not take the dark path. I know you can do it if you want to, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and be you…