The sun sets on another day
All sunsets are beautiful even if they are in your mind’s eye. There are those, however, that seem to overwhelm you and perhaps a little more.
Tonight as we were driving home the skies lit up in a perfect configuration of just a little more. As I looked at the sky the clouds were puffy and white in rings left over from a horrible storm south of us. The sky was full of light and all of a sudden the puffy clouds became crimson red with white accents. It was stunning.
It’s kind of funny how the world works. Quite often as we communicate things are as clear as mud. Guess what, if you move around your mud just a little, you can see right through it. If you put a little more water in your mud, it becomes easier and easier to see.
By that same token if you’re struggling to get through the day because of the mud, try moving things around a little. You would be surprised how much that will help. Not working? Then consider spraying truth all over your mud, not some made up truth thrown in to boost elections or political parties, but real truth about who you are underneath what you show to others. Guess what, the mud will slowly thin and you will be able to see.
I know there are probably a few people wondering where in the hell I would come up with this. This week has been trying. So many people giving up obfuscated answers or strange little statements and expecting me to be confused. I am not. You are not. Be who you are and be real always and sweep away the mud, or just don’t step in it.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope your world is full of clear communication and fantastic fun. I hope people reach out to you and are real and that your person to person interactions make you feel like a million bucks. Mostly I hope that you find happiness in every day, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and sweep away the mud