The sun sets on another day…
Another spectacular sunset, at least today. Someday soon it will be clouds and more clouds but I will enjoy each sunset even if I can’t see it.
I’m sure someone with a less than clean mind is looking at this post wondering if it is a not quite nice post. That would be silly. Instead, today I was watching and interaction between various people and suddenly was reminded of the movie The last dragon. I know, a little cheesy, but still a lot of fun.
During the final fights inside of the movie there is a crescendo and because the music is all modernized the song goes along with the action. Inside you is where it all begins, and there the hero and his co-heroes become dragons. Well that’s a simple way to put it, they succeed as a team and that’s pretty cool.
My point is simple, we define who we are. It’s not some bit of magic, nor some bit of science, instead it is a bit of magical science that allows us to execute our free will to become who we are. It is stunning, it is amazing, and it is more, if you think about how you have the choice to be you.
On the flip side you can be a jerk, a joker, a winner or a loser, or a dozen other things that you want to be. You have that choice, no one can take that choice away from you.
I am sure that someone out there is talking about how they didn’t have a choice because so-and-so did such and such and made them who they are. I can understand that. A series of situations when I was a teenager changed me from a focus on being me to a focus on being a monster. It was a difficult time, but I learned as I went through much twenties that I had the choice to be that monster, even though someone else may have affected me, I had the choice and I could choose not to be what I had become. We all can have that opportunity. We all can understand that somewhere we don’t have to be that person that we don’t want to be.
Before I run screaming away into the ether, like the ether bunny, I do have to say that there are people that are in difficult situations that may need help. They may keep a positive attitude or want to change, but sometimes all of us may need a little help. I’m just saying.
Anyway, so as the sun sets on another day, make good choices. Be the person you want to be. Inside you is the opportunity to be anything you want to be, within reason. Find the way each day to be that person that rises above at tries to lift others with them. You have the power, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and you are a dragon…