The sun sets on another day…
Rain rain, well, stay around a while. It was a good day, wet, but nice. And I enjoyed the skies as they cleared and made the world a wonderful place.
I spent some time going through some poetry today, and realized that much of my futuristic poetry is built around apocalyptic outcomes. I’m not sure if that makes me a realist, a defeatist, or just a person with a depressing view of the future. What I am sure of is that poetry sometimes opens the mind when other things do not.
Poetry can be unsettling or settling and can invade a mind by passion and emotion and in the process open eyes that may have been previously closed. Of course a lot of people that I talked to about poetry say the immortal words that most poets cringe at: “I don’t get it.”
I suppose that’s true with everything, sometimes we just don’t get it. Still I keep trying and hopes that may be a little of my poetry can open minds and perhaps hearts.
If you are interested in poetry, check out A Slice of Passion and Another Slice of Passion. These are available at Amazon and other fun places.
So as the sun sets on another day, I guess today is a self promoting day. I hope it wasn’t that horrible and I hope that you get to read something great, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and keep living….