The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was gray with sprinkles of color slapped in between as the sky showed its anger then peacefully faded Into darkness.
I sometimes look at the world as a series of parallel lines that sometimes get bent. When those bend you can end up with intersections and that is where relationships are built. All it takes is a single intersection to realign and have people go in the same direction. This week was interesting as I thought about that.
Elections are always strange because they bring out the worst in people. There was a day long ago where elections brought out the best in people, where people looked for 2 chickens in every pot and the positives that they would bring to a world or a country. Now, with social media, the world is poised and predicated towards possibilities not normally considered. Those possibilities can be negative or worse simply because people believe what they want to believe.
If we all try to avoid how we are going to intersect, the spiral gets difficult, and the vortex pushes us to a point where we are forced into a deep hole. If that doesn’t make sense let me try it this way, sometimes people have to listen and then other people have to listen and then other people have to listen, then maybe they realize that it’s not as negative as they thought.
For me, I am going to continue to intersect with people and enjoy the time all that I can. After all, the world is a better place because we are in it.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope you have a fantastic day and tonight I hope you have a fantastic night, then tomorrow I hope you have another fantastic morning, and in the end, I hope you know you are amazing, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and live furiously…