The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was dark as the sky dropped water and made the world a little better place.
I have done some cleaning. I have been going through 29000sunsets and getting rid of thigs that were either not a fit, too short, or were out of place. With that, I have a few revelations to share.
29,000 sunsets represents making each day special and that accounts for 79 and three quarter years’ worth of fun days from the day you were born to the day you potentially could die. I came up with the concept in early 2005 after losing my father in 2003 and realizing that there is no tomorrow ever, and that the best laid plans can easily fall apart and become the best laid dream that will never be. Trying to get past that concept of 29,000 sunsets was to find something each day to write about that was uplifting knowing that if you only had 29,000 sunsets to live and knew that to Morrow was to be your last day, what would you do, and why aren’t you doing it today?
You will never find a tombstone that says, “they were a good worker for the company” nor will you find one that states, “they increased profit margins and made stockholders money”, instead you look at things along the lines of “they lived their life” or we’re a good father, friend, or something more. Some of this depends on you, some of this depends on the people you surround yourself with. All of that together defines who you are better than any job or any bank account with some nebulous amount of money that may be worth half as much after a pandemic or a war. That’s so depressing.
Let’s try this another way, I approached 29,000 sunsets as a way of lifting people up and rising as I can. To this point I have never made it anything for advertising, nor have I tried to monetize it or make it into something that is not. I turned comments off a long time ago simply because there was no need to debate just a need to reflect and those that knew me would talk to me and many more have reached out via e-mail and suggested their opinions, sometimes with good cause, and sometimes with very little reason or rhyme. I answer all the emails, and to go on. I did finally add a PayPal link for those who wanted to help, but wasn’t looking for anything special.
Somewhere inside of all of us we decide if we want to be positive or negative and if we want to embrace life or put it off until tomorrow. I see this a lot when I am signing books and people tell me that they have an idea for a book and that they will write it someday. Year after year I have seen some people and year after year they have written not a single word. That is a choice.
We all have a choice on how we want to approach life and make the world a positive or negative place. It’s not like everything is good or everything is bad, it’s a combination of all of those things and what we embrace is what we become. For myself, I was tired of embracing the bad and wanted to see people embrace the good.
Right now there are over 3300 posts on 29,000 sunsets (Over 9 years) representing a series of thoughts and ideas that i think are usually pretty good. A few years ago I started adding tags to the posts and there are over 600 just tagged as inspiration, hundreds about defining ourselves, and over 100 that contain different styles of poetry that I have written over time. All of this falls too looking at each day as a potential for learning and rising above. Add to that over 10 million visitors in one way or another to the site, and I think it’s done OK.
Just remember, the core of 29000 sunsets is you, and as I continue to write I will try to do so to help lift you up every day or at least open your mind to possibilities. After all, at the essence of us all is the capability to learn and grow each and every day.
So as the sun gets on another day, thanks for visiting. If you feel up to it, go to the about page and donate to the cause, but if you don’t, that’s OK. All I want is to help the world be a a little bit better place, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and a lot of sunsets to go…