The sun sets on another day…
Drip drip drop little Monday showers covering the air with a mist of their own. Drip drip drop we will like the showers cuz we cannot find anyplace they are gone. Still, high above, the sky is beautiful as the sun sets in the western horizon.
There’s a lot that goes on every day that we really don’t pay much attention to. Not because it isn’t important, but because it is mundane, normal, and classic. It’s far easier to overlook the mundane than it is to ignore those spectacular happenings, either good or bad, that assail us with new memories and make us consider our place in the universe. Seems kind of interesting or does it.
A long, long time ago I read a book where a seeker had to learn how to overcome a task. There was an easy way and a hard way. The easy way was to do the same thing over and over. The hard way was to be beaten constantly and with no warning from a stick. It sounds like they are two very different things, but in the end doing the same thing over and over has a certain piece to it, and when you notice something new it stands out in front of you. The same is true with the negative, but it’s a much harder lesson.
Why is it that we don’t appreciate the mundane? It’s not that it’s not enjoyable, it’s just something we’ve already seen. Maybe if we lived on a beach, we would enjoy each day, right? The trick is being able to appreciate every breath we take and as we do so find a way to be happy even in the mundane. Maybe that’s just me.
So as the sun sets on another day, there’s a lot of fun every day. Even classic fun can be amazing. Find the excitement in your life and enjoy it all that you can. After all, classic can be pretty good. Find amazement in your life every day, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and classic cars are fun too…