The sun sets on another day…
The cold sky became dark in a rapid manner as snow fell, and the world was embraced by dark light. In the snow, the world never seems to dark since light seems to reflect from everywhere.
Sometimes I think the interconnection in the world is a bit much. People are so excited about being so excited about something that they let their excitement take them a little too far. A good idea can spread everywhere, just like light in the snow right now. Suddenly there is light where there should be darkness. A bad idea can do the same thing and as someone shares their mind about something that is either good or bad that can be spread so easily.
I remember the whisper game when I was a kid. The teacher would give us a word at the start of a group of people and by the end of the word who knows what we would come up with. I do remember telephone becoming elephant by the time it went through my class and everybody giggled and laughed and wondered where the communication had changed. There were of course lives and negatives that were shared during the game that became reminders of that focal point that can carry over from person to person.
I guess as we travel into this new year maybe we should take a moment and consider how we communicate and in doing so speak positively and make sure our words are heard well. Somewhere inside of it all is a way everyone can understand. Perhaps then we will all be excited about the positives that we can share maybe we can leave the negatives in a little bucket in the corner.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope your day is going well and you’re getting very little snow and enjoying the weather wherever you are. I hope you know how special you are and how wonderful the world is around you. Mostly I hope he realize that you make a difference in the world every day, so enjoy your time and be happy with everything you can, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and there was this elephant who answered the phone…