The sun sets on another day…
A cloudy day was not a cloudy way. The skies were lit with gray, but my heart was full, and I enjoyed the moments as they passed into twilight and then night.
Ya know, life just comes right atya all the time. It really doess not stop, really doesn’t wait, nor care, it just happens. In the movie “Forest Gump” he is noted as penning the title “S**t Happens” and it does, but every day we have to remember another thing. Butterflies happen, good days happen, smiles happen, love happens, and people find their way.
Today with this really short post, think about what’s coming at ya, and find a way to overcome it, deal with it, or make it part of who you are. That’s really the only choices we have. Find that path that makes us all look at the world in a better way and look for that good positive instead of just the poop that lays on the road waiting for you to step in. Ohh, and don’t step in the poop.
So as the sun sets on another day, stuff happens, poop happens, life happens, and you happened. Overcome it all and keep enjoying every moment of every day, no matter what.
Sleep sleep, love life, and keep living…