The sun sets on another day…
The cold was difficult but it was not overwhelming. The days of ridiculously low temperatures of now evaporated and perhaps there will be some upswing, at least for a little while. Sunset was spattered with clouds and looked as though mighty battleships wandered across the horizon. As I sat at the beach freezing my butt off I was overwhelmed by the beauty this one day came to an end and signified so much more.
Today was an interesting day for me. Part of my life is changing in a massive way. I’m not allowed to use that word anymore, massive, but I will just for this one time because there is no other word that describes the day more accurately. The last nearly 6 years I have focused on a job that has allowed me freedom at the ability to help and grow without having worked myself to the bone. Now I will once again enter a workforce where sometimes the days never seem to end the nights hold on to us for a little bit longer.
This wasn’t an easy decision. I leave behind the series of friends that I can only consider fantastic. I also leave behind two people that I have learned much from and that have been supporters in a strange and sometimes difficult environment. These are the foundations that build our lives forever, sometimes walk away with people that will never leave your life.
I expect very little to change with my writing, except for the fact that I may become more focused and actually finish projects that are sitting out there waiting, wanting me to finalize them. I set several personal goals and as I do I am building possibilities more
Perhaps this is the next step into a fantastic series of events that will propel me forward and give me satisfaction again as I can learn everyday and apply my knowledge in a variety of situations perhaps this will be the set art of something different and somewhere along the way it will be a catalyst for change in my life across so many friends. No matter how you slice it I’m going to have fun everyday because that is what I do
29,000 sunsets won’t change. I looked for someone to help and couldn’t find the right bid, now I will take life forward and eventually, who knows.
I hope your day is as fantastic as mine was and as you look out over the sunset or the Twilight or the deer dark or the dark, that you realize that today is an amazing day and a lot of it is because of you are in it.
So as the sun sets on another day, have a fantastic night, and remember that tomorrow is another day tomorrow you will make the world a better place and I will be there next to you trying. In the end, being you, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and enjoy the evening…