The sun sets on another day…
I enjoyed a few moments as I sat watching sunlight play across the western sky, then it was gone. Swallowed by clouds and the cool wind that grasped us all. Somewhere high above the sunset was still beautiful.
You know, passion is something that I used to talk about all the time. If you look back through posts several years ago you will see passion cycling over and over. I talked to people about passion often, and actually i still do. There’s a lot of people that don’t understand what passion is, so let’s revisit it then maybe I should talk about it more.
Passion is defined as “a strong and barely controllable emotion”. There are lots of ways to define it even more, but the just of passion is that you’ve struggled to control it, and it is constantly pushing you in a direction. Passion is not intellect; passion is a feeling from deep inside. People who know passion use it to drive themselves forward, because passion is powerful.
I have written 2 volumes of poetry. I have a third one that I need to get off my butt and publish. I feel that poetry and music and art are high expressions of passion. Each of these types of art are created from emotion and not bridled by intellect. As I went back and read over much of my poetry that will be in the third volume, I found myself thinking about what I was feeling when I wrote the particular poems.
In my second book of poetry and in this one, I tried to explain some of the thoughts behind select poems. I thought it was an interesting approach. Trying to make sense out of the nonsensical. Trying to define passion in an interesting way. I found that explaining why I wrote a poem or how I wrote a poem was incredibly full of emotion. I smile a little now thinking about my approach, and perhaps as I go poetry will find a way.
Anyway, I hope you find passion every day. I hope your emotions are near uncontrollable. I hope the people that you love grab on to you and realize how powerful your love is. I hope they love you back just as strongly.
So as the sun sets on another day, my passion sits inside of me each day pushes me farther and higher as I go. I hope we all find a way to make life amazing and, in the process, I hope we can build a world full of passion if only for ourselves. Be passionate, be alive, but mostly be you, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and enjoy the ride…