The sun sets on another day…
It was cold outside, and far change from yesterday. Now the cold air closes in and the clouds keep the sunset at bay. I know it is beautiful so I close my eyes and see the beauty for just a moment.
It’s funny how quickly the months pass. It almost seems like tomorrow it’s just an instant away and next week of breath of air. I enjoy it though, and as I sit and laugh about it all I can do nothing but be thankful for everyday I have. After all tomorrow will come with or without me but I would rather it be with me.
All I can ask of you is to take a moment and enjoy the day and find your way to be happy. After all a little bit of happiness can make the world more than fantastic. You are more than fantastic.
So as the sun sets on another day, keep being amazing everyday and find the best breath of air that you can. You can be that one person that is making a difference in someone else’s life. Find a way, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and breathe deep…