The sun sets on another day…
Sunsets in the summer are always spectacular, I can think of few better ways to close a day than watching the sunset.
Ever walk along a beach and find a doorway to somewhere and wonder where it goes? Ever think about how your life has progressed and how many doors you had to pass through to get to where you are today?
For many it’s an easy question and for many it is not. I find it almost terrifying that two people can grow up right next to each other in the same house with the same parents and be incredibly different, but it is all because of the doors that they chose. One door may open and another path may be closed. One person may see a light at the end of the tunnel, the other may realize it’s a train. And so it goes.
The question that we should all ask ourselves is when we are offered a door do we run away from it or do we walk through it? How much time do we need to take to determine a path forward? How should we make that determination?
I was told a long time ago that not making a decision is making a decision in itself. Not considering alternatives is also making a decision. By avoiding possible change we become the literal mouse in the maze that will never leave as long as the cheese is still there. That mouse will starve if the cheese supply stops because it knows that it should be there and waits forever which is not very good.
The question that all of us should ask is who cares? At the end of the day if there is a door on a beach and you go through it you may well get to the other side. Right? There is of course another possibility and it requires imagination and fortitude that perhaps a door in the middle of the beach could be a gateway to change. It may not be come and i may just be full of interesting ideas, but there is that possibility. To deny it is almost as bad as anything else simply because no one knows.
At least it’s something to think about.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope you go through the door. Even if it’s to play or to be the chicken that crosses the road just to get to the other side, at least you’ll know. Life is a quest for learning, and if we blindly accept anything as truth without seeing all sides we are believing for the wrong reason. It’s always better if you know, so make your life a quest to learn what is hidden behind that door, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and i hope they oiled the door…