The sun sets on another day…
I found myself looking out at the sky as the sun skittered across the horizon. I didn’t get to see all of sunset but I got to watch the colors as I laughed with people and enjoyed the evening.
Sometimes people don’t realize how much effect they have by a single glance or a sideways look. Sometimes the world can be changed pretty darn easily. Sometimes we lay the seeds of change just by talking. Sometimes our actions speak even louder.
It can be a perilous moment when we’re actually talking to someone, and we lose sight of what we are trying to say. More often we can easily lose ourselves in the moment and this can create some interesting dynamics.
How weird is it? Well, i have been a lot of places and have done a lot of things. When people ask questions, I often give answers even with very unique situations. Not because I’m any smarter than anyone else, but more because I’ve done a lot of stuff in my life just because. When I was younger I talked a lot but as I did so I did not have the depth of experience that I do now. When talking I would often end up not saying anything simply because I had nothing to say or did not know much about a particular subject.
As I have grown older I will sometimes give my opinion and then listen as a plethora of perilous opinions float around the room. Sometimes I’ll stay quiet, sometimes I’ll add my experience and it will stir the pot.
What is perilous in all of this? I am reminded of an old quote, “better to be silent and be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” This quote rings to me because sometimes I am sure I was thought a fool, and sometimes perhaps I was. I have learned as I have gotten older that those who think me a fool may not know me, and i will not remove all doubt.
This sounds pretty arrogant, just stay with me for a second longer and I’ll get to the point.
As we go through this thing called life, sometimes it’s better to help others up rather than yourself. Sometimes it’s better to help people see the good in themselves rather than show them the depth of who you are. Sometimes it’s better to be thought a fool, only to be actually lifting a room full of people and letting them be amazing. I’m not saying in any way that ignoring false statements is a good idea, but sometimes letting go and realizing that some things don’t matter is a good idea.
We can all take a moment and perhaps realize that knowing the name of the high school in an obscure movie isn’t as important as seeing the laughter on people’s faces as they’re trying to remember the name of that high school. I know that some of you will see this right away and realize what I’m trying to say. If not, send me a note. I respond to every letter I get.
You are special. Yes, you. What you have to offer can make a difference, but realize that sometimes there are people who are struggling to understand who they are. Make a difference with yourself and the right people as you can.
So as the sun sets on another day, maybe it’s time to open our minds to each other and realize that we all have something to give. Wouldn’t that day be nice, when we can all enjoy each other, and all enjoy everything around us. I hope that we can all take a moment and perhaps hold on to silence when we need to, speak up when it’s necessary, protect the people that we disagree with, and correct the people that try to overcome everyone else. Be the person that goes the distance every day, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and keep being you…