The sun sets on another day…
You know, we often pick up bits of wisdom from random people that helps us get through the day. Her are a few things I have learned from people that are not mainstream. Some of them make sense, some, well, do not.
A smart statement made by a manager when I was only 17 was to not worry about the big bosses coming in, when I ask how he could be so calm with the VP of the company coming to my store he said, “the worst he can do is fire me and I can get another job, he can’t whoop me so I’m just fine.” It may seem a little strange but I think too many people worry about tomorrow and that job that really doesn’t matter that much to them in the long run.
A vice president for another company came to work with me once because of my innovative approaches and I told him about my frustrations with the bureaucracy for such a large company. His statement to me was, “if you want to fight City Hall, become City Hall.” He then gave me a significant number of suggestions on how to get into the corporate office and how to be listen to which I utilized allowed in life.
In one of my speaking arrangements in the past I was discussing my presentation how I could improve it with another speaker and was told, “just be you, people will sit through a boring presentation, but they will come back to see someone like you who is interesting.” I found myself avoiding being boring and watching all the boring presentations under new eyes.
And if you want one that’s pretty silly, I had an ex-girlfriend that I was late to pick her up once by three minutes. I suppose I could have left 15 minutes earlier but I was at work and it took me a minute to get where she was. Was one of the few times I ever said I was sorry to her and she said to me, “if you were sorry you wouldn’t have done it.” Years later after she and I were not together I got a random phone call from someone she was dating and had just dumped. He was a mess and I told him about this situation as he discussed some life altering decisions he was about to make. After a long time on the phone I finally got him to realize that we both dodged a bullet.
There are hundreds more but this is a good start.
So as the sun sets on another day, enjoy your day. Don’t be boring. Be the best person that you can be. But mostly, find a way to find wisdom from everyone, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and be amazing…