The sun sets on another day…
I watched the sunset and was astounded as it broke free from the clouds and pummeled the ground with golden hues, then I walked into a movie and enjoyed the moments there!
I like to giggle. I should do it more. A giggle here, a giggle there, and a laugh to make the world go round. I enjoy other peoples giggles too. When they laugh so hard they tear up it makes me smile as I know it is a humor deep inside, and they are really amused.
Perhaps the world would be a better place if people giggled more. Maybe instead of getting angry people should laugh a little and move on. Maybe just maybe the world needs a little more humor, and a little more laughter to make it go round. What do you think? I know we won’t do a Joker statement and skip serious, but maybe we should take a few minutes and laugh a little more.
So as the sun sets on another day, laugh a little, giggle some more, and enjoy your days as much as you can. Remember that every moment is an opportunity to laugh, and find your way to a happy place, no matter what.
Sleep with a smile, love with your heart, and never put the horse behind the cart…