The sun sets on another day…
Many people get really excited on Christmas and their Birthdays because it means they will get some goodies! Won’t it be fun to have cool stuff and enjoy the excitement of opening a present? Maybe. (Maybe you say?) Yes, maybe.
There are lots of things to be thankful for each day, and not all of them can be touched. On the top of my list is the day itself. Take a moment and realize that nothing is promised to you as a guarantee, and there is no way you can say “I deserve today!” Instead, lets take a better look at the day and realize that every day is a gift, whether it is a good day, a bad day, or just a day, we should be happy to be living it. Worrying about the dynamics of yesterday or worse, the challenges of tomorrow, is not a good use of our time as we are enjoying the moments. (Well, we do not need to plan for groceries, and retirement and if the storm is coming, to get bread and milk)
The point is, enjoy the moment and feel good about today, no matter what.
So as the sun sets on another day consider the wonderful thing that is life,and the beautiful sunset out there, reach out, and enjoy every moment.
Sleep sweet, love life, and love life some more, no matter what…