The sun sets on another day…
I had high hopes for sunset as the day sprayed sun off and on. Unfortunately at ground level the darkness set in. I smiled though as the sunshine today had been wonderful!
As you get older, like me, you may find that the things you thought important are maybe not as important, and even though they gave you a good memory or 10, it may be time to let go of them. I am in that process now after 2 things happened previously that gave me pause.
Although unrelated, the two items had a big impact. First, my grandmother died. It was very sad but she was in her mid 90s, so she lived a fantastic life. When she died my uncle had several dumpsters brought in and all the things that had been important to this woman were surgically eliminated from the world. It made me sad to consider that
Second, I went to an estate sale sometime after that and at the sale the daughter sat at the door and told me that everything in the house was for sale that she wanted nothing from her recently deceased father. It gets you to thinking doesn’t it, on several levels.
Well that was depressing. Let’s stop it.
I have some things that other people would enjoy. Isn’t it better to share some things with others and see their happiness rather than not? Wouldn’t it be better to help other people see your vision then for everything to be lost like ashes in the Wind.
It is with that in mind that I’m looking at things and I hope you do as well. Let’s work together and streamline Our Lives into as much fun and excitement as we can have. After all we need the fun and it makes our lives much much better. I think I’m going to enjoy it a lot.
So as the sun sets on another day, people are what’s important and I hope you enjoy people and the interactions that you have with them. Make every moment amazing and don’t stop making your life better every day, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and let go to hold on…