The sun sets on another day…
Sunset created a stage of color and light, and in the process was a spectacular doorway into a fantastic twilight and an amazing eve.
It’s always funny to me how easily memories can be retrieved. A smell or sound can remind you of a dozen dozen things in a matter of seconds. Often you can relive the past both good and bad just by having a memory.
Today I was walking and suddenly a series of memories flooded in to me. It’s not like they were horrible and awful nor were they fantastic and amazing. They were just memories. I thought about them for a while and then let them go back into the ether wherever they belonged. As I am writing this I have held on to one, and it is there that I realize that I must focus on my passion and purpose and continue to push myself every day.
You see a long time ago I started writing a lot of books. The problem is I started them but I saw them in my mind to completion but did not write them to completion. If I had written books to completion there would be a significant number of books completed in my name. It’s not like I couldn’t do it, I just got lost in the next thing.
What is the next thing? I think you know. It is so easy to let the world push you away from what you should do. It is even easier to get sidetracked and move on to something that wasn’t there a moment ago. If you do so you will be as I was, half done with twice as much.
Today then I started focusing again and took away the distractions in my mind and instead became temporarily linear. In my temporary linear state I can do anything and as I do so I can complete everything in a very timely manner. I do this at work constantly but sometimes the number of pastimes I have takes me away from doing it in my home life. It is time for that to change.
How do you deal with distractions? Do things like social media keep you from focusing on important items? Does your day-to-day life allow you to focus as you need to? Maybe you need to take a moment and find a linear state that works for you. If you are linear for one hour a day I guarantee you, you will see a difference.
So as the sun sets on another day, sometimes it’s good to remember and find a way to overcome the biggest obstacle in your life, you. Sometimes it is even better to come up with a solution that solves your problem and a lot more. Find your way and make your path an amazing one, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and linear???