The sun sets on another day…
It was another weird Sunset simply because of the weather. The skies shifted back and forth and in the end it wasn’t really a bad thing but instead a pretty evening.
If you have read 29,000 sunsets for any period of time you would know I get a kick out of anyone who is sure of themselves. In reality I am quite sure of myself in several areas but I know enough to know that I don’t know enough. Let me state that again, I know enough to know that I don’t know enough.
I’m sure we have all been in conversations and had people tell us not only how intelligent they are but purport that someone else is qualified or exemplary in a particular area because of Education or experience. In my opinion this is almost silly. Yes I know it is still an opinion but if you take a moment you might agree with me.
I have known numerous people who have been through the education system and have learned very little. They are considered qualified based on the completion of criteria but they can’t answer the simplest questions about their field. By the same token I have known people in positions for a considerable amount of time that have never achieved nor did they understand basic concepts beyond the mundane tasks they were involved in. It would be a whole different rant if I started talking about politicians so I will be quiet about that.
Enough of this, sounds negative too so I will just say, keep learning every day, feed your mind, and don’t feed it the same thing all the time, feed it more.
So as the sun sets on another day, learn to love, love to learn, and as you learn, love. IT is easy if you take the time to do it. Find your way and make every day amazing, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and the truth is out there…