The sun sets on another day…
I find myself enjoying the moments a little more today. Not because today is better than any other nowhere because it is any worse but instead because sunset is always beautiful and the moments that we share are even more so.
It’s amazing how people think. We often go down paths in our mind that muck it up pretty darn good. As we do so we get lost in all of the thoughts that can be either positive or negative. It’s really easy to accept that things won’t work out your way and sometimes it’s just as easy to believe the world is going to cave in and give you everything you ever wanted making you happily ever after. At the end of the day we are often exhausted just by the thought of exhaustion. Not much fun right? I guess it can be?
A lot of this is just overthinking. We get so lost in the thought about something that we don’t realize that life is going on. We get so lost in what tomorrow may bring or the next week or the next week that we don’t realize the positives we have today and in the process we destroy the possibilities of making today a good day. Well that’s what happens sometimes. Other times we look forward to the positive so much that we don’t live our life and again we have the possibility of overdoing it. When great things come we’ve already experienced it all and when bad things come we take it because we have already resigned ourselves. When nothing comes, well we just keep expecting either the good or the bad.
I realize I’m not perfect. Nowhere near it. I have figured out though that it is much better to live life and enjoy yourself than tear yourself up wondering which way the world is going to go. I could sit here thinking that I’m going to win the lottery tomorrow and planning out how I’m going to help people and make the world a better place. Or I could get off my butt and try to make the world a better place with what I’ve got. I could sit in the back worried I’m going to die tomorrow from some horrendous disease that most people can’t pronounce and that I’m sure I’ve read a study about, or I can live every moment so that it doesn’t matter what comes and realize that today is my day.
Even though the lottery thing sounds pretty good I really think that it’s up to me. Which turns me to an old quote that my father used to say, “if it’s going to be it’s up to me”. Kinda nifty huh? Maybe instead of waiting or thinking about it it’s time to just do it. As long as it only affects you or makes the world a better place, good choice.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope you find the courage inside yourself to stop thinking about what is not and start focusing on what is. Communicate with people and let them know how you feel, and in the process be the amazing person that you can be every day, not because you have to, but because that’s who you are. There can be no better world than the one with you in it so make today the best day possible, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and be you…