The sun sets on another day
It was another cloudy sunset. During the winter months it usually is. I knew that high above Sunset was spectacular and I could do nothing but smile as the day turns to night.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the important things in my life. I think we all should take that time occasionally and review those things that we understand mean more to us. With that in mind I looked over my incredibly chaotic series of shelves and realize there’s a lot that’s important but not a lot that is irreplaceable.
It is said that in order to appreciate the big things in life you have to appreciate those that are small. I have always been a proponent of this belief and try to make sure that I pay as much attention to the little as I do to the large. Sometimes I do well, sometimes i don’t. Most of the time I see a wider picture and as I look into the eyes of all that is I’m pretty happy with my view on the world. I am not adamant about much except that being adamant about something means that you have no room to learn. I am not so lost in my beliefs that everyone else and their opinions don’t matter, I will often take an opposing side just to understand why a person understands or presses their beliefs as imperatives. Where do you stand?
Are you someone who wants to annihilate everything that disagrees with you or are you someone that will plant the seeds of little trees only to come back and find that sometimes they have grown? Are you someone the presses each moment to learn more about opposing sides or are you so sure of your sources that you know that nothing else could ever be considered.
I guess that’s why the little things are important. Something so small as a word can be turned into a mountain and something as small as a pinecone can become a mighty pine tree. If we sit back for just a second and realize just how complicated the world actually is we might spend more time planting trees than trying to chop them down. I’m just saying.
So as the sun sets on another day, take a moment and look at the things that are important to you. Not just talking about the trinkets and triumphs, I’m talking about the values and beliefs you have. Take a moment and understand who you are and ask yourself an important question, is this the best version of me? Otherwise, define yourself every day and make the world yours, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and plat your seeds…